Sunday, May 16, 2010

One Year Ago....

a couple of important events took place in our life.

First, our beautiful niece Eva Michael was born. May 15, 2009

And yesterday, May 15, 2010, we celebrated her 1st birthday party at Foscue Park in Demopolis.

I cannot believe she is a year old! We have loved every minute of being Uncle Jay and Aunt Reba! We love seeing her grow and change. She brings such joy to our family!

And second, on May 16, 2009, I married my best friend.

And today, May 16, 2010, we celebrated our one year anniversary. I cannot believe we have already been married a year! Time flies when you're having fun! These past two years that I have been with Jay have honestly been the best of my life. We have enjoyed our first year of marriage and look forward to the many years we have together as husband and wife! I thank my Lord for blessing me with such a strong, confident,Godly, handsome, supportive, giving, and compassionate man! I am so thankful to be Rebecca Taylor!


Cindi said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary, Rebecca! I can't believe it has been a whole year already! I'm so happy for you and Jay...and I still miss you tons too! Have a wonderful day!

Mrs. K said...

Happy Anniversary! :)

Anonymous said...

Dad says that the last 2 years have been his happiest too-Just kidding.You saw my tears that day however they were tears of joy. I am so proud for you two. I think you got a great guy and he got a great gal!
Now down to the serious part-Eva Michael is a beautiful little girl and they are so blessed to have her and I am so envious of the grandfather,Jeff and him an Auburn fan. Its about time you two made us Bama fans-----------------------grandparents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

First off... our niece is the cutest kid ever and it's crazy it's been a year already, but then again, it's hard to imagine life before her so it kinda feels like forever too... :)

Secondly, I thought I was your best friend... ha! But since you couldn't marry me, I guess settling for my brother was a smart plan B... hahaha! As much as you have loved being Rebecca Taylor... we have LOVED having you in our family... Aunt Reba completes us (and our Jaybird) :)

LOVE YOU BOTH! Happy Anniversary... again!

Rebecca said...

@Cindi- Thank you!! I can't believe it's been a year too! Crazy! I miss you too and I miss Tuscaloosa! Tell everyone I said hello!

@Kristi- Thank you! Your big day is soon! I know you are getting excited! It will be one of the best days of your life!

@Sonny- I totally agree with us making you grandparents...we just have to get Jay on board with us!

@Tracy- It is hard to imagine life without EM! What did we use to do?? haha! I am so blessed to be a part of the Taylor family! Your comment made me smile! Not only am I looking forward to spending my life with Jay but I get to spend it with you guys too! How lucky are ya'll??!!! ha! I know we feel complete now but we will be even more complete when your rich man on a white horse shows up and sweeps you off your feet!! Love you much sista!!

Rachael Crawley said...

Wow what a cute blue jean jacket! I've GOT to get me one :-) looking good Bec! Cut kid and cute cake too!

Rebecca said...

It just goes to show you what God can do when you finally decide to wait on Him and let Him direct your life...Jay is God's gift to you and you are God's gift to him. Love you both! Love, Mom